Need page topic ideas?
Check out our living doc of spread topics for your 2021 yearbook. We know your ladder will look different so rather than panic, let's get excited about covering our schools in a new way!
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Content Creators!
There are a TON of digital resources to support you and your staff. We've organized verging into one giant resource library listed by topic to make it easy to find what you are looking for.
In a year with so many unknowns, we do know two things: Student life and learning will continue, and it’s our job to record it in these historical books. Use these Content Creators to find easy ways to capture student stories, and use them to find spread-worthy topics.
50+ Topics to Jumpstart
your 2021 Coverage
We don’t know what’s going to happen in 2021. Learn how to adapt your coverage to changes in a
time of uncertainty.